tirsdag den 20. november 2012

In Venice!

In Venice for the first time. Like a virgin! To experience the, I must say, B-E-A-UTIFUL city and the exhibition Venice Biennale! Both were amazing and if I ever get the change, I’ll go there again!



Visit from Denmark #1

Visit from Denmark! My sister and her boyfriend visit me from friday to monday. We spend our time shopping, experience the most important part of Milan and I introduced them to the spritz - which apparently wasn't a hit! Anyway, it was really nice to see them. See you again in Christmas guys!


lørdag den 3. november 2012

On the market at Navigli

To experience Milan - and Italy in general - you need to go on one of the many markets where you can find tons of different things. If you're lucky you might find something you actually want to buy. In that case, you can easily get what you want for a good price. A nice way to spend a couple of hours on a sunny saturday or sunday. I bought a necklace my self :)
